8 Essential Landscape Photography Composition Tips

February 18, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

There’s a magical moment in landscape photography when you find the right location bathed in the perfect light, and with your camera in hand you’ve captured a moment in time that will be treasured forever. These are the moments we all want to repeat but it’s not always that easy. Yet the more we learn about what goes into creating these magical moments, the easier it will become for us to prepare and structure a photographic composition.

One of the hardest aspects of landscape photography is composition and knowing what it is that will make an image work. What is it that makes certain images pleasing to the eye? How do we distill a 3-dimensional landscape scene into a 2-dimensional image? Capturing a stunning landscape photo requires more than just taking a “happy snap” with your camera. You can have the latest and greatest camera gear, but if you don’t know how to approach the composition of your photo, it will lack the impact to draw the viewer’s eye. Landscape photography is very much about the “Art of Seeing”.



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